The Working on Fire-Kishugu Joint Venture Faces a Challenging Winter Fire Season
The Working on Fire-Kishugu Joint Venture (WOF-Kishugu JV) has been instrumental in this winter fire season, playing a critical role in joint-organisational fire suppression operations. Some wildland fires have raged for more than seven days and the WOF-Kishugu JV’s extensive resources have stood up and responded to the call. With dry conditions persisting, its firefighting […]
Training in a Climate Crisis: Preparing for the Winter Fire Season
Training in a Climate Crisis: Preparing for the Winter Fire Season As the world grapples with the increasing severity of the climate crisis, it has become evident that proactive measures are essential to mitigate its impacts. Comprehensive training and consultation services can equip individuals and organisations with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the […]
Safety, Health and Environment Representative (SHE Rep)
Effective health and safety management is essential for any organization to protect its employees and ensure its continued success. The South African Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act requires employers to appoint a Safety, Health and Environment Representative (SHE Rep) to help manage their health and safety programs.
Health and safety in the workplace
Workplace health and safety is crucial for the well-being of employees, the productivity of a company, and the overall success of an organization. It is the responsibility of every employer to provide a safe and healthy work environment for their employees.
What is Early Childhood Development (ECD)?
Early Childhood Development (ECD) refers to the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development of children from birth to the age of eight years. During this critical period, children learn and develop at a rapid pace, and the quality of care and education they receive during this time can have a significant impact on their future.
Early Childhood Development Practitioner course
Early childhood development is a crucial period in a child’s life, and the quality of care and education they receive during this time can have a significant impact on their future. The Early Childhood Development Practitioner course offered by Kishugu Training Academy is designed to equip individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to provide high-quality care and education for young children.
With the heat on, Kishugu Aviation AT 802-F water bombers join the fight
The Air Tractor (AT) 802-F, Single Engine Aerial Tanker (SEAT) is a highly effective and sought-after aerial firefighting resource. It is specifically designed for fast and effective aerial firefighting.Around the world this fire-extinguishing aircraft labours, season after season, to supply fast and efficient relief during wildland firefighting operations – not just as an initial attack […]
The Cessna – Kishugu’s eagles that watch over fire lines
Kishugu Aviation has 30 years of experience in aerial firefighting and is growing from strength to strength to save lives, property, and the environment from wildfires. We are ready for the Winter Fire Season in the northern parts of the country and will soon demobilise to our air bases to be fire ready. These were […]